Connect with Your True Self

And step into your powerful, enlightening, and expansive spiritual mentorship that will recalibrate your energy and activate a self-love so deep that you rise on a soul-level!



Free Class

Watch here to learn all about the 7 Steps of Spiritual Healing that we will take you through...


Our Spiritual Healing

curriculum will help you: 


⍸ Heal + unblock your past traumas

⍸ Overcome your codependency + people pleasing tendencies

⍸ Effectively manage your daily energy with healthy boundaries

⍸ Connect to your higher consciousness

⍸ Feel energized by your soul alignment

⍸ Turn you into a daily Meditator

⍸ Activate your Manifestor Consciousness


We show you how to: 

★ Heal your inner child, unlock trauma, and decompress your stress patterns

★ Understand your etherial cords that connect us all, how to cut toxic cords, clear clogged cords, and change your relationships forever

★ Step fully into a loving relationship with yourself

★ Move beyond self-care, self-love and fully activate the deepest love, soul love

★ Raise your vibration and become more purposeful

★ Use our custom frameworks to bring you into 5D and heal false beliefs

★ Engage in over 25 activities to keep your vibe high

★ Embody these exercises that will make you feel more confident


This Mentorship Includes:

✓ Private Sessions with Sophie over Zoom

✓ 7 months of Transformational Content that will show you HOW to change

✓ Online Voxer Support with Sophie

✓ 28 Spiritual Healing Sessions that show you how to embody all this inner healing work (Downloadable)




Your Five Pillars of Growth

 Meet Your Inner Child

There is this little thing called your inner child. And she is probably hurting. But when you learn to meet her, and make her feel safe, you will see a huge difference in your energy levels. You may also notice that it becomes easier to know who you can and can’t trust. Healing your inner child makes it much more pleasant to interact with people in general.


 Transforming Energetic Cords

Do you feel clogged by the end of the day? You may be an empath with clogged cords. Cords connect your energy to everyone and can end up running toxic energy to you and through you. When you clear your cords, you will instantly begin to turn those feelings of overwhelm into a free-flowing sensation. This type of energy clearing changes everything.


Introduction to Soul Love

Soul-Love is a distinct spiritual love, an evolved version of self-love where we teach you how to get in tune with your Divine rhythm. You will connect to your own acceptance in a deeper, way and learn how to start feeling better on a daily basis. You only need to do two things; watch our videos + listen to the internal practice sessions, and your love will begin to blossom.


The Laws of The Universe 

If you are tired of being tired, and can’t seem to get ahead in your life, understanding how energy moves through you and the laws around it is a game changer. Learning about these laws was so powerful that it actually allowed me to give up coffee for good. We will teach you you how to use your energy, vibration, magnetism, and the 5 things to do every day to get your energy connected and flowing.




 Manifesting your Dream Life

Everyone talks about being happy, and love and light, and raising their vibe - right? We all want these things, but do we actually know how to really achieve it? What we will teach you in this last module is how to heal your frequency to match your desires and begin to manifest the life you deeply want to live. This will happen through a series of vibe raising techniques that build upon each other and uplift your vibration to 5D!



Get Ready to:

✔️ Release toxic memories

✔️ Gain clarity on moving forward

✔️ Feel empowered

✔️ Tap into your Inner support

✔️ Feel happier with who you really are

✔️ Stop worrying, Start manifesting

✔️ Trust your higher self

So You Can:

✨ Develop healthier relationships

✨ Experience more energy

✨ Meet Your most Sacred Self

✨ Feel Self-Love like never before

✨ Access Your own Wisdom

✨ Feel safe deep within

✨ Trust your own path


The Healing Experience

Watch to what happened to these beautiful ladies as they shifted their inner trauma and stepped into their wholeness.


Growth Happens

 outside your comfort zone.


Your growth, your quantum leaps, your evolution happen in:
Discomfort âžž when we do the scary thing
The Unknown âžž when we say YES to what is calling us 
Big changes, require big changes, and I can help you change your vibration for the rest of your entire life!
In order to move forward, you have to really choose expansion.
You have to really commit to YOU!


 Choose Your Path!

7 Month Mentorship


➵ 7 Months of Breakthrough Healing Techniques to learn deep spiritual healing techniques of healing your inner child, healing traumas, transforming your relationships through 5D cord work, activating your soul love and then teaching you how to manifest from a clean vibrational pallet.

➵ Access to your own private online Classroom with over 20 weeks of trainings dripped out to you weekly

➵ 7 Private Healing Sessions with Sophie

➵ 7 Months of Ongoing Voxer Chat support

➵ 28 weeks of Online Feedback with Sophie on your homework

➵ Develop Your Sacred Morning Routine - 7 Day intensive

➵ Get Your Mind, Emotions, Soul Balanced - 3 Day intensive

➵ Inner Child Healing + Connecting Module - 3 Week Training

➵ 14 Day Trauma Healing Sequence - 2 Week Healing

➵ Heal Your Relationships, Your Heart Chakra + Heart-led relationships into the New Earth - 2 Week Training

➵ Learn how to cut, clear, untangle and remove toxic energy - 4 Week Training

➵ Chambers of Your Heart Activation - Transform the way your cords are set up to the 5D heart - 2 week activation process

➵ Learn how to go beyond self-love and into Soul Love - 4 Week Self Love Training

➵ Understand how to use the 12 Laws of the Universe + Raise Your Vibration - 3 Week Training

➵ Learn to manifest from a clear vibration pallet - 2 week training 

Start Today

Frequently Asked Questions


Become the Woman Who

➳ Is so loyal to her truth
➳ Smiles from her heart
➳ Draws in like minded people
➳ Radiates joy and positivity
➳ Who effortlessly meditates every day
➳ Feels so connected to her spirituality + the Divine
➳ Moves with a trust that feels like freedom throughout her day



What's in store for your soul!

Over 7 Months you will be shown, step-by-step, what you need to practice that week to unlock your magic. You will watch a lesson (all under 30 minutes), be given a guided healing session, shown the crystal to work with, and taught a breakthrough concept to help you understand and integrate this ancient spiritual knowledge.


Are you ready to truly love yourself, feel safe in your skin, and raise your vibration?


These are the kind of changes that come from taking a leap into the world of spiritual healing!


You are reading these words right now, because something within you wants more, and something even deeper within knows you can have it.


I am inviting you onto a new path to show you a whole new world that awaits within you.




 How we will change your next Decade!

Join Us


I am inviting you to step into our transformative spiritual awakening course that will


Vibrate you open!


You can finally drop all that energetic baggage you have been carrying around for far too long!


I will take you on a new path and show you the 7 steps that will open and Awaken a whole new world within you.


These shifts then help you have discernment and so you can tell the difference between your intuition guiding you or your trauma misleading you.  


Join Us


Hello, I'm Sophie!

I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.

Our Results



Watch how she experienced a huge shift in her world



This rockstar was able to see how to create this deep connection with herself, and it changed everything!



She overcame her challenges and found transformation and peace!



The Process

Watch this video to better understand how we take you through this healing work each week!


"It truly felt like every lesson + session each week was exactly the spiritual medicine I needed. I evolved. I  went to the next level. I’m so grateful to be on this spiritual journey with Sophie’s guidance and teachings, because I really don’t know where I would be without it."


"I am forever changed. The mystery of inner healing is far more powerful than I had anticipated. Sophie provides such a safe, nurturing, loving environment, which allows true healing to take place. The most profound experience was feeling this lightness that followed and showed me my connection to source. "

Since you're Here...

On this page, considering if this is right for you… I invite you to tune into your heart.

Check in, and see if you feel lift when you think about doing this work with us?

If you feel a lift, that is a YES!




"I’m still in awe of how much I connected to myself through this course. I feel like I’m back home, I'm just in a different stance. I’ve had tough moments during this whole course, and I’ve had really amazing moments. I’ve let go of a lot of this control I had and I just have surrendered and I’m able to observe my life in a way that before would trigger me or I would judge and criticize, and now I just let it be. Going through all these tools, I’ve been able to just be and that’s an amazing feeling".


"At just one week into this program, as I was doing Sophie’s Inner Child meditation, I met another part of myself. My masculine self that exists within me in spirit - my ‘other-half’ or ‘soul-mate’ and felt so comforted that he is always with me, filling the void within that I have tried to fill with those outside of myself. I now feel more whole, more complete, and I am not searching or needing something outside of myself to fulfill me. I have all that I need, and it is always with me".


"The work I have done with you Sophie has truly changed my life. I react differently to people. I have confidence that I haven’t had in years. I’m excited about life again! Thank you for creating a space for us to heal Sophie. Thank you for putting so much love and attention into your content. I’m eternally grateful for this rewarding experience."


What is Waiting For You!

 Our healing process will help you deal with all the gunk that is blocking your light. When you really work through your past mental and emotional programs, release past energetic debris, and transform false beliefs you will get:


​✔️ Complete Mindset Shifts: You will have continuous mindset shifts where you begin to really understand that things don’t happen to you, they happen FOR you.


​✔️ Energy Boost: You will begin to gain more energy, better responses, and clearer thinking.


​✔️ Self-Growth: Your self-love, self-acceptance, will begin to open in ways you never thought was possible. 


​✔️ Healing: You will learn ways to really forgive your past, present and future. 


✔️ Freedom: A new inner freedom will be unlocked where you truly believe that you can heal what comes your way, because you now have the insight and tools to face your life in a positive way. 




Your Ultimate Healing


Our mentorship is designed to provide you the ultimate healing space to AWAKEN and transform at a deeper level than you have gone before.


Through this spiritual healing work I will guide you to tap into space so profound, you will begin to believe and know “I am so loved and held by the Universe, that I KNOW I can truly handle whatever comes my way.”​ 


It is this awareness that will change your whole life!

Start Here