Deep Spiritual Healing - 6 Weeks


We will help you get into alignment so your stress turns into gratitude, your fight turns into surrender and you begin to bring this positive frequency everywhere you go.

This 6-week experience is pre-recorded + you get lifetime access.


Your Current Issue is the Roadmap

This course is designed to provide you the ultimate healing space to AWAKEN and transform at a deeper level than you have gone before. We use all your problems as the road map to guide us into the root wound. Once we find and unwind that energy, you get to step into your inner freedom!6 Weeks of Transformational Content that will change your world!



⫸ Overactive stress response with one simple technique

⫸ Traumas that block your flow of positive energy

⫸ Chattering mind + bring it into balance

⫸ Inner child issues and create a safety, trust and inner peace


In just 6 weeks, we will Awaken a whole new world within you.




This spiritual healing work will show you how to: 

→ Allow internal conflicts to lift + fade, without spiritually bypassing them

→ Let your soul's truth will surface



I invite you to join us!



Need a payment plan? click here

 Does NOT include private coaching.


What People Are Saying:

The work I have done with you Sophie has truly changed my life. I react differently to people. I have confidence that I haven’t had in years. I’m excited about life again! Thank you for creating a space for us to heal Sophie. Thank you for putting so much love and attention into your content. I’m eternally grateful for this rewarding experience.


I totally recommend this course, it is just an awesome journey to better understand yourself and how you can really just love yourself and love others and be the best version of yourself. It truly felt like every session and every week of the work we were doing was so meant for me to help evolve. It was exactly the spiritual medicine I needed in that moment to help me get to the next level and I’m so grateful to be on the journey of Sophie’s courses and teachings, because I really don’t know where I would be without it.


I’m still in awe of how much I connected to myself through this course. I feel like I’m back home, I’m just in a different stance. I’ve had tough moments during this whole course, and I’ve had really amazing moments. I’ve let go of a lot of this control I had and I just have surrendered and I’m able to observe my life in a way that before would trigger me or I would judge and criticize, and now I just let it be. Going through all these tools, I’ve been able to just be and that’s an amazing feeling.


$1,111.00 USD